Zoom Option: A Conversation with Ahmed al-Naouq

If you are unable to attend in person, you can watch on zoom by using the green QR code below or click here.

The zoom will open at 13:45, attendees will be muted by the host. If you want to ask a question, please do so through the chat but please keep it short and to the point. (Please don’t use the chat for comments as it can interfere with other people’s viewing.)

The zoom host will be Caroline Riley.

The anticipated running order is we’ll have the conversation from 14:00-14:50 led by Matthew Franklin, NPSC Chair. They’ll then be a 5-minute comfort break before we go into the Q & A session which will be for about 20-25 minutes. Priority for questions will go to the live audience, but we’ll take some questions from zoom attendees.